Friday, June 3, 2011

Not exactly fanart...

Possibly more along the lines of "fanservice"

Didn't exactly get around to any Thor fanart this week, but I did see it again for the second time yesterday (In 3D! 3D Asgardian awesomeness!) But I hope to do some this week!

Super stoked that X-Men First Class comes out today too, it's definitely going on my movie hit-list. I was recently attacked by 90's/Y2K nostalgia and discovered one of my favourite childhood cartoons, "X-Men: Evolution", posted in its entirety by Marvel on YouTube. There was only one reason for me to wake up super early on non-school days when I was a kid, and that was for my weekly dose of  X-Men and various other cartoons (remember when Saturday morning cartoons were good??)

I have to say though, while I do love the show to bits, it seemed a whole lot less... cheesy when I was little. How did I not notice how hokey it was before!?

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