Turtling awkwardly.
OMAHGAWD. DESKENVY, you have a disk, YOU HAVE ACTION FIGURES. And a lava lamp and I think a bunny. Gnaargh. ... I have a heap of textbooks, a cup of tea and a heap of sicko tissues. I think my desk wants to defect and join you.
Dude I didn't realize you posted here until today! LOL. Your desk is very welcome to come and join the mess that is my room!
OMAHGAWD. DESKENVY, you have a disk, YOU HAVE ACTION FIGURES. And a lava lamp and I think a bunny. Gnaargh.
ReplyDelete... I have a heap of textbooks, a cup of tea and a heap of sicko tissues. I think my desk wants to defect and join you.
Dude I didn't realize you posted here until today! LOL. Your desk is very welcome to come and join the mess that is my room!