Friday, February 25, 2011


WIP progress right now... not going to be finished for a long time

First attempt at a paintover, fun times. At least I have a smudgeguard now, which is super special awesome!

... So at my work they're clearing out these really, really, hideous high heel shoes. These shoes give a  whole new meaning to the term "Fugly".... which is why I feel bad for them! There's a whole table of them in appallingly rotten colours, and I seriously doubt anyone is going to buy them.

Which is why I'm thinking of buying a pair!

I figure, sure, they may be ugly NOW, but what if I pimped them out? All day at work yesterday I was thinking about what I could turn them into. I thought about making them into bumblebees, fish, aliens, or dinosaurs. I think it's a toss-up between the aliens or the dinosaurs. 


I mean... it's not like I can possibly make them any uglier... is it? :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Horrors of Cashout

I know it's not Friday... but this happened to me at work today

(actually happens pretty much everyday)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

 Valentines 2011, or S.A.D - Singles Awareness Day! To celebrate, I drew a friend a very handsome man.
Everyone sai "HAI" to Hunktastic Hans! 

So... this year marked my 19th very single Valentines Day. Is it sad though, that the main reason I would really want a boyfriend is so he could pose nekkid for me for lifedrawing?? (Yes, yes it is)

In other news, I still have a very pathetic sense of humour and made this for another friend:   

Don't get it? Shame on you.
Aaaand here's how it all started: 

See you next Friday!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dance With Noodle Man

So I kinda made a little deal to myself: In addition to Friday being "Bath Day" for my rabbit Hazelnut, Fridays are now officially "Update Day!" on my blog. Because I was being a lazy turd and never posting anything, I have signed a mental contract to post something -be it a halfway decent photohop thingy or just a scribble from my sketchbook (scribbles being the most likely).

Anyways, without further ado, join Scribble #1 (aka Noodle Man) in his celebration dance for Funktastic Fridays!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gung Hei Fat Choy

Have some bunnies!

WIP... witness the ugliness that is blocking in colours

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Peppermint Winter

Zutara Fanart time!

"There's the snow, look out below 
And bundle up 'cause here it comes 
Run outside, so starry eyed 
A snowball fight breaks out 
And winter has finally begun..."